CABQ Animal Welfare Kitten Social Club
This course covers the evaluation of Kittens at Animal Welfare
- Goal of the Kitten Social Club (KSC)
- Windows of socialization
- Genetic Disposition
- Handling Ideals
- Flooding
- Behavior Thresholds
- LIMA Protocol
- Counter Conditioning
- Learned Behavior
- Gradual Desensitization (GD)
- Positive Reinforcement (+R)
- Prey Play
- Electronic Behavior Journal
Your Instructor
CABQ Employee Learning Center
The CABQ Employee Learning Center is the city's Human Resources training and development division for all city employees.
Our Vision is to fundamentally transform the corporate culture of the City of Albuquerque workforce by empowering employees to be fully engaged in their work.
At the ELC, we design and deploy learning solutions for City Departments and City Employees.
We are responsible for providing training in four key areas for City Employees:
Onboarding, Development, Support, and Recognition.
Our Services include organizational design, development and problem-solving solutions for City Administration, City Department Directors, Division Managers, and City Council.
We also provide learning development for City Leaders, Supervisors, and Employees, and administer the City's Tuition Assistance and Educational Leave Programs.
Course Curriculum
StartIntro and Agenda (2:30)
StartGoal of the Kitten Social Club (0:53)
StartWIndows of Socialization (1:53)
StartGentic Disposition (1:30)
StartHandling Ideals (4:25)
StartFlooding (1:02)
StartBehavior Thresholds (1:04)
StartCatt Stress Score (CSS) (2:22)
StartLIMA Protocol (1:14)
StartCounter Conditioning (CC) (4:46)
StartLearned Behavior (1:31)
StartGradual Desensitization (GD) (3:50)
StartPositive Reinforcement (4:49)
StartPrey Play (1:42)
StartRecap of Socialization Methods (0:50)
StartElectronic Journal (10:15)
StartNext Steps (1:31)