2023 CABQ Ethics in the Workplace
Mandatory Training for all City of Albuquerque Employees
Enroll in Course
Welcome to the CABQ Ethics in the Workplace.
Understanding the difference between right and wrong is very challenging in the world we live in today. With the ever-changing political climate, new rules for conducting business, technological innovations in business development, social media, and digital analytics, applying ethical business practices is more ellusive than ever.
This course will examine the definition of ethics and how to make ethical choices in the ever changing world of work.
In this course you will learn to:
Define what ethics are
Explain the impact of ethics in the workplace
Explore Individual ethics
Learn the stages of moral development
Learn the three ethical theories
Define the qualities of ethics
Review the City of Albuquerque Code of Conduct as it applies to employees
Identify ethical dilemmas in the workplace
Explain different types of misconduct in the workplace
Identify ethics enhancing tools
Explain the process of ethical decision making
This is a Mandatory Training Course for all City of Albuquerque Employees required upon employee hire date and every two years.
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