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CABQ Animal Welfare Division - Fraidy Cat Training
Welcome to the Fraidy Cat Program
Welcome and Introduction (0:55)
Agenda (0:32)
Goal of the Program (1:21)
The Fraidy Cat Program
How do Cats Get into the FCP? (1:35)
What do these Cats look like? (0:43)
Does the FCP Work? (1:21)
Success of the Program (0:29)
Identifying Stress Behavior
Identifying Stress Behavior (1:13)
CSS - Cat Stress Score (1:35)
Hair Body Language (0:55)
Using Objective Body Language (1:03)
BMods - Behavior Modification Methods
Behavior Modification Methods - bmod (0:52)
Triggers (2:28)
Choosing Bmod Method by CSS (1:45)
Considerate Approach (3:37)
Operant Conditioning - Clicker (4:31)
Operant Conditioning Training Methods (1:44)
Capturing (0:34)
Targeting (4:39)
Luring (1:04)
Cuing Behaviors (3:29)
Important Notes (1:36)
Counter Conditioning and Gradual Desensitization - CC and GD (2:39)
Negative Reinforcement (-R) (1:54)
Learned Behaviors (0:29)
Flooding (1:00)
Behavior Threshold (1:00)
-R Steps (6:11)
Stimulant Gradient (1:36)
Electronic Behavior Journal (5:34)
Wrap Up
Congratulations and Next Steps (0:51)
Certificate of Completion
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